Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tired of Hypocrisy? Then Stop It!

The definition of hypocrisy is a pretense of having virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

I have heard this term thrown around since I was a young girl.  I have heard it spewed out venomously toward others in judgment.

I have never liked it.  

I have never liked the way it sounds coming out of someone,nor the way it made the other person look or respond.  

I certainly didn't like the way it made my mother hurt when it was speared at her, just because she was trying to do what she thought best.  

I have never had someone launch that particular word at me yet, but I have definitely gotten the same message...the attitude...the spirit...

the judgment.  That's really what it is.  It is someone's perception of another.

I have seen a lot of these judgments slashing lately, especially through Facebook.  I have watched it happen over all kinds of issues, not just religious belief.  

Some examples:  how someone parents, how someone spends their money, what music someone listens to, how and when someone writes on their blog, what type of schooling someone does with their children, what someone eats, how someone cuts their hair, what kind of car someone drives, how big of a house someone lives in, what kind of mission work someone does, which school someone goes to, which country someone chooses to visit, how many children someone has...

I wish that was the exhausted list, but sadly I could go on.  Do you see what I see?

Judgment...everywhere...about anything and everything!

It sickens me to see it in other people, but the main thing I want to keep before me is that it sickens me to see it IN ME!

One of my daily prayers has become, "Lord help me to see each person with your eyes today.  Help my first thoughts to be of true love and nothing judgmental.  I can't do it in my own power!"  

And there is the key.

We are ALL human.  NOT ONE of us is perfect.  NOT ONE of us is exempt from judgmental thoughts in our minds.  No matter what religious theology we choose, no matter our background, our color, our upbringing, WE ALL FALL SHORT!

Those who dare call themselves Christian seem to get watched the most.  I think this is because we are willing to stand up and say, "This is the standard by which I choose to try to live."  Those who don't affiliate with certain groups get the freedom of a little more leeway in how they get to behave toward others.  We don't know exactly what standards they are trying to live by and therefore we can't point the finger as easily when we think they may have screwed up! We are left wondering what they think about what they said or did, but we can readily see if it doesn't meet the standard WE choose to live by. 

Personally, I have the best intentions most days to not pass judgment on others.  I constantly try to remind myself that most of us are doing the best we know how!  Yet, I still find myself having those thoughts, and when I am really not diligent about my thought-life, I find myself saying something I shouldn't say about someone else!!!


Problem is, these things can't be taken back.  Once they are out there, that's it.  Most of the time, I really believe people are only reacting out of insecurities, fears, or hurtful experiences of their own past.  I don't believe they are setting out to maliciously hurt others any more than I am.  BUT, the fact remains that it happens, doesn't it?  And sometimes WE are the guilty party!

What a difference it would make if we would all remember that WE ALL DO IT AT SOME POINT!  

I can't fathom calling someone a hypocrite, for I can't imagine I will ever attain a place in this human life where I won't be one in some way or another!  Do I want to be?  NO!  Do I try not to be?  YES!  But do I fail?  YOU BETCHA!

So, this is just a challenge to all the "humans" out there, despite your specifics of religion, race, culture, etc... try to daily lay down your judgments of other people and focus on yourself because truth is:  YOU CANNOT CALL OR SEE SOMEONE ELSE JUDGMENTAL WITHOUT PASSING A JUDGMENT OF YOUR OWN!

Sobering isn't it?  We ALL have work to do, don't we?  

For me, I know it is ONLY my understanding of the Word of God and my intimate relationship with Jesus that keeps me trying to walk in love.  I know who I am and how I am without HIM.  I have tried it both ways, and I am disgusting without the conviction of the wisdom of God!

I didn't need a Savior because I was terrific!  I needed one because I was a my thoughts, my attitudes, my actions, everything!

And sometimes...somedays, guess what?  I'm still a mess.  Accepting Him, believing in His atonement on my behalf, didn't make me less human; it just gave me a fighting chance to start over in grace every day.

I ache for those who call themselves "Christians" who aren't able to boast in their weaknesses...for those who still try to look like they have it all together.  They have sent a confusing picture to the world of what Christ came to do.  He didn't come and lay down His life to make any of us look like something perfect or even great! 

He did what He did to set us free from having to look like anything!  He did what He did to glorify the Father of that every person would be drawn to a Father who loves so much that He didn't even withhold His very Son!!!  He did what He did so that we didn't have to look like Him, but so we could be like Him...the picture of love despite what is said and done to us.

I sure don't have this down.  But I sure do rest in the freedom of not having to!  I wish we could all let each other rest in that.

As my friend Becky posted today, "Lord help us ALL!"