Do you ever have those times when you go to clean or do a project around your home and you start seeing all the other things that need attention?
I admit that this overwhelms me some days! I think, "Wow, all I feel like I do is clean, but still filth is everywhere and how does this stuff get broken and when do they do this and...and...and...are you kidding me???"
I live with five males. I don't think any of them notice what I notice. Three of them are young and they don't really equate things to money like I would like! They don't quite see the "big deal" about water rings on tables or carpet that hasn't been vacuumed and is accumulating dust!
I have made A LOT of progress in letting some of this go and relaxing, but I will be honest and say that I often dread cleaning anything for I know I will get extremely bothered by what I see!
Now, just so you understand, I'm not some haughty, uppity, snob who has a million-dollar estate with designer furniture and knick-knacks! We are a "typical" (I guess) middle-class family, who lives on a budget and buys most things on sale!
I have spent time in third-world countries witnessing true poverty unlike anything I have seen around the United States. I know well that because I have a vehicle and clean water, I am among the top 8% of the richest people in the world!
That makes me feel utterly grateful and yet terribly guilty at the same time.
I have went through seasons of severe depression trying to reconcile what I have seen others live in and what God has given me when I return from mission trips.
That has all helped me to relax and let uptight worries go in my beautiful, well-built, warm and spacious home. However, I am human and stuff still gets to me.
I think in a way, seeing the poverty I've seen has made me more frustrated as far as trying to get my sons to understand that we should be good stewards because we have been given so much.
My husband and I believe with all our hearts that the only reason we are blessed with any of this is TO BE a blessing to others. We have had multiple people live with us over the years and will continue to do so as God directs us.
We have purposefully decided we will not hoard, be greedy, or turn anyone in need away if we have it to give and God says that is good ground in which to sow.
We will also not live in fear of giving because the Word says, "GIVE and it shall be given to you..." We realize we cannot "out-give" God!
But as I was cleaning the other day and finding all kinds of things falling apart and needing fixing or deeply cleaned, or repainted, etc... I thought about all the traffic that flows through our home. I thought about how fast things get worn out and then I found myself getting anxious that we wouldn't be able to get it all taken care of in the time it would be needed.
Thankfully, I heard that still, small voice whisper. "This isn't your concern. You have no reason to fear. I know what you need. You take care of my sheep, and I will provide."
Then, I began to think how it seems I have NO good reason EVER to not be hospitable. I have found no exception to this verse:
1 Peter 4:9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.
I don't see sickness excusing me...even though when I was down after a surgery, I desperately wanted to tell people they couldn't come over and see the mess.
I don't see busyness excusing me...even though some days, after teaching my kids all day and running to appointments, I just want to collapse in bed!
I don't see my mood excusing me...even though some days I am so mentally and emotionally exhausted from dealing with other circumstances.
I don't see inconvenience or my husband's work schedule or my lack of neatness or organization or my non-designer furniture or decor or my fear of judgment from others or that something could not be replaced when needed...
I can think of nothing I could grumble about inside my mind excusing me from God's call to open my door to others.
OUCH! That is hard for me, how about you? But, I pray I will never stop having my heart laid bare before the Word of God. It indeed is living and active, dividing the intents of the heart!
Praise Him!