Thursday, November 4, 2010

Know YOUR Man!

Marriage is on my heart this week.

I just finished reading a book that is supposed to teach women about they think and feel, what they wish we knew.

It wasn't a bad book at all.  It had some very useful information in it, but if I had not asked my husband detailed and pointed questions, I may have bought right into what was being said and it would have made a big ole mess in my marriage!

We must be very diligent about communicating with our spouses.  This is often hard because we have to be vulnerable to give truth and receive it, but nothing can beat out communication as the number one way to get accurate information.

How one man ticks may not be how another one does.  How most men tick may not be exactly how your man does.  Ask questions lovingly and pray for gentle answers.  Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger!

I have a really, really good marriage, but it didn't just happen.  It took a lot of both of us laying down selfishness and putting the other person before ourselves.  We have had many gut-wrenching conversations to get to the truth.

We have walked through some difficult junk and conquered, but it took diligence and perseverance.  I am so thankful for my husband's heart toward me.  His patience astounds me.  His ability to lay aside his own agenda to make life easier for me speaks volumes more than the words I love you ever could!

One of our passions is to help young couples START their marriage the way we are finally living ours!  

I pray you are continually making progress in your marriage.  Families are definitely the target of our enemy!

My prayer, based on what I read last night:

Guard my heart Lord.  Help me to love my husband for who he is and not who I want him to be.  Help me to support him and not try to change him.  Give me Your heart for him.  Remind me to be an encourager and not a criticizer.  Show me how to help him!  Help me to receive what he shares with me with a compassionate and sincere heart.  Remind me that we are on the same team, fighting a cruel enemy.  Enable me to allow him to share his struggles openly and honestly.  Let me recognize his daily choices to honor me and not sin because of temptation.  Help me to spend my energy helping him fight the temptations of the culture instead of fighting him.  In Jesus' name I pray...Amen

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