Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Reaching the Lost

As I said, the other very sad thing I see the Church doing in this day is using worldly formulas to reach the lost. Not all these ideas are bad, and I do believe God gives mankind creative approaches, but when these take the place of relationship with God and others, something is very wrong!

I have been part of churches where the congregation was being led to focus on formulas to build relationship. The problem with this is that there is no formula! Every relationship is different because every individual is different and therefore, every connection is different. You cannot apply A, B, and C and get the same result every time. It works in math, but not when dealing with souls!

I have watched leaders try to train people in how to “connect” with others. Not all the ideas were bad, but when those ideas became the specific goals on a specific time schedule, people became very uncomfortable…both the person trying to follow the “rules” and the person being “targeted” for “relationship.”

I do believe the intention is good. These approaches were formulated to get people moving instead of being stagnant. But, these ways have taken something God made so simple and complicated it greatly! The Word says that if God be lifted up, HE will draw all men unto Himself.

The only “formula” we need to remember is this: exalt Him, then He draws others.

True worship comes out of a person who CHOOSES to humble themselves because they fear the Lord (tremble at His Word enough to obey Him). Their worship…their outward expression of their inner love and adoration…honors God. He, in turn, draws other people’s attention to this and they come to know Him because HE is the reason.

It all comes down to our personal relationship with Him. That is what we were created for. That is what Adam and Eve lost in the garden…and what Jesus died to gain back for us. We were not created for ministry. Ministry is the by-product of our communion with Him.

Not until we humble ourselves can we truly honor Him and others.

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