Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Passing Our Judgments

For over a year now, I have been facilitating a  womens' Bible study in my home on Monday nights.  We have studied many topics over our time together, but currently we are in the depths of one of Beth Moore's Bible studies called Living Beyond Yourself.  It is about the fruit of the Spirit in a Christian's life.

We have learned so much about why we become trying to work hard in our own strength, when what we need to be focused on is knowing the Lord more intimately.  Then, we will take on His characteristics and therefore act like Jesus in the Earth!

This week we studied patience.  Mrs. Moore points out in her book that the opposite of patience is judgment.   She says, "We cannot both judge others and be patient toward them." I had never really thought of it like that, but it is a teaching I intend to look over again and again.  Oh how my eyes have been opened and my heart is changing!  PRAISE THE LORD!

It is so easy to beat ourselves up over past sins when we have our eyes opened to them, but what a waste of time.  Admit it, grieve it, learn from it, THEN move on!

Here are some reasons NOT to judge others (as taken from Mrs. Moore's book):

When we judge others, we invite God's judgment upon ourselves!

We do many of the same things we judge others for!

We usually don't know the whole truth!

We are mere humans!   God's judgment is always righteous and ours is tainted by our flesh!

When we judge others, we are judging God, thinking He is not handling the situation correctly!

We open up the door for the same type of judgments to be made by others against us!

We may have our perspective hindered by the sin in our own lives!

There is only one Lawgiver and Judge (James 4:12)!

Only God's motive is pure in judgment!

God must agree with us for our judgment to be correct!

These are all good reasons not to pass judgment, but perhaps the most heart-turning reason...the one that will propel us to stop to treat others as we want to be treated.  I wish our love for God and our honor for what He says to do was enough to motivate us to stop being critical!  The truth is, though, it usually is not.

No, most of the time, the only catalyst that will propel us to change is knowing how much it hurts to have it done to US.  Yes, we are THAT selfish!

I truly think that is why God allows us to feel hurt to the depth He does.  Yes, He is all-powerful.  Yes, He could stop ANYTHING at ANY time He chose, but in His great love for us all, He allows us free will and consequences.  Without them, I dare say we would ALWAYS be a disgusting flock of prideful creatures!!!

Beth Moore says, "Whether or not the thought is conscious, most judgments boil down to this justification:  'At least I don't do that!'"

Wow!  How true!  "God's judgment is not based on His ego like ours is!"

When will the Body of Christ get the revelation that NO sin is greater than any other, and we ALL fall short of His standard!

When will we stop bickering amongst ourselves over doctrinal beliefs and focus on the big picture?

When will we believe God about our identity in Jesus so that we stop being jealous and squashing other people's gifts?

When will we celebrate one another instead of sizing each other up?


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