It's been way too long since a post was made on here...(eh-hmmm...clearing my throat at my husband ;). I was sick almost all of August, but I was getting some good study time in (courtesy of Beth Moore, Kevin Leal, and John Bevere) and meditating on God's revelations!
What is on my heart today is faith! Believing what we cannot see. But, it's not just some wishful hope...NO, the faith I am talking about is confident assurance!
Do you base your faith-God's believability-on how He performs for you, or do you base it on who He says He is?
If you base your faith on how God answers your prayers, or His lack of answer, when you want and how you want, you will be tossed around and your emotions will have you busted and disgusted. BUT, if you instead base your faith on who He says He is and believe even when you don't see, you will find peace that passes human understanding.
Life is never gonna be all peaches and cream, but you can get to a point where you thrive, even in the storms.
I challenge you to begin to read your Bible with fresh vision. Ask God to help you believe what you read...not read what YOU believe. We have to let God out of the box we have put Him in. We must regain our hope...our vision.
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision (revelation; hope; future expectation), the people perish (rot; putrefy; give up; be undisciplined).
We have to recapture our hope!
When junk happens in our life, our hearts grow sick because our hope is deferred (Proverbs 13:12). We feel things can never work out again or like life is a worthless cause. We start going through the motions, not really living, but just existing.
THAT is not what we were created for! If our hope is not healed, we won't seek God. If we aren't seeking God, He will not reward us, for He says He is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him!
My heart is ablaze! I want to seek Him like I never have before. I want to hear from Him like I never have before! He is my answer for every problem I have!
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