Man, rejection hurts!
No matter what form it comes in, it just hurts, doesn't it?
Sometimes it's not even real...just perceived.
I am pretty sure I have run the spectrum on rejection. I have been blatantly rejected. I have definitely thought I was being rejected. I have rejected others. I have even been rejected without people making a flashy know the quiet slip away rejection...the fade out!
I've been shot down for speaking my thoughts...looked down on for not having certain things...despised for the things I am good at...ridiculed for something I was born with...
I've been mocked behind my back...I've been teased into tears...I've had my character slaughtered in a book...I've been called things I'm not...I've been accused of things I never did...
I've said things that wounded...I've thought things that I shouldn't...I've gone along with others to save my own face...I've criticized in my heart...judged in my arrogance...
Yep...I've been around this rejection bend!
Why do we reject? Because we are insecure and feel threatened in some way.
Why do we feel rejected? Because we are insecure and feel threatened in some way.
Either way, the root is: we have believed lies...lies the enemy has assaulted us with to destroy us.
The enemy takes great joy in their battle tactics. The Devil and his army love to watch us hurt! They study us and look for our vulnerable areas and then shoot their fiery arrows straight to our hearts!
Identify the lies and replace them with God's truth. Regain your hope and trust in the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Our security can't be found in positive thinking. No amount of money or nice cars, clothes, houses, or plastic surgery can fill your heart with security.
Jesus knows rejection. Our rejection looks like, "I'm rubber, you're glue..." compared with what Jesus walked through! He was tempted in EVERY way we are. He went through it first and to the uttermost just so we could have a Savior Who can understand!
When I walked through the hardest season of my life...when the worst was being assumed and said about me...when I thought even my husband had joined sides against me, Jesus spoke to my heart and said, "There is NOTHING you are going through that I didn't go through first. This battle is not yours, it's Mine."
That rhema word from my Redeemer didn't make everything go away or feel instantly better, but it gave me peace in the midst of the storm and hope that my security lay with Him alone.
I felt rejection to my core, but God reached in and met me there! I have never known a sweeter time of communion with my Lord. He understood. He ALWAYS understands.
In my mind, the life of Jesus flashed. The mocking, the beating, the desertion of those He called friends, the betrayal of one who He should have been able to trust. Jesus gets it. He empathizes more than we have revelation of...and most importantly, He cares!
He doesn't step in and stop every bad thing that comes our way or every bad thing we throw someone's way. Some argue, if He were really a loving God, He know, bad things wouldn't happen.
I, for one, am thankful that He doesn't step in every time. I wonder how disgustingly prideful and nasty I would be if that were the case! No, I think it much wiser for us to be allowed to experience hurt so we never want to inflict it!
Security in the Lord is being able to stand while accusers sling their worst your way, but you say nothing in trust in the Lord for your deliverance. He is your refuge and your strength. You trust Him to set all things right.
Rejection can only operate in your life if you are fooled by lies. Ask God to show you what lies you are believing and to guide you to His truth to replace it!
miss you