I was reading about the parable of the seeds in Luke today. It is interesting to think of all the Word that is sown and where it falls and what happens to it.
I think of where I would be if I had not chosen to cling to the Word and see fruit grow.
I think of how I have watched so many let the seed be snatched away so easily.
I think of all the Bibles I have in my home and the people around the world who have none.
I think of the story I read my sons about the little child who wanted a Bible of her own so badly that she worked and saved and walked for miles to get one.
Why don't we make reading the Word and writing it on our hearts more of a priority?
We are such self-centered people who let business get in our way.
My dear friend, Carolyn, taught last Wednesday at women's group that BUSY means Being Under Satan's Yoke. I think this is an excellent reminder of what is happening when we are so otherwise occupied that we can't even get into the Word and sit at His feet.
Lord, thank you that you love us wholly and completely, even when we drift. You are so faithful to the faithless! It humbles me today.
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Take Up Your Weapons and Fight!
Let's recap. In the past posts, we have:
*looked at what we received from Jesus-grace and mercy
*examined whether we live reacting to our flesh and what the enemy throws at us or if we choose to be proactive
*gleaned from Anna's example to live purposefully
*saw in the Word how we can come boldly before the throne of God in grace and ask our requests
*broke down why we should pray
*understood the importance of Jesus' prayer life
*learned that prayer cultivates a passion for God's presence
*realized how to guard our hearts
*pondered how the Word changes us and our situations
Now let's consider our authority...because let's face it, you can pray what is on your heart, even believe that God cares and is listening, and welcomes you before Him, BUT, if you don't think you have a "right," you probably aren't going to pray with power.
Luke 10...18 “Yes,” he told them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! 19 Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. 20 But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”
When Adam and Eve made their choice to disobey God, they forfeited their authority...their power to rule and have dominion over the earth. That power became Satan's, and the Word shows us this when we read of Satan tempting Jesus in Luke 4...5 Then the devil took him up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 “I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please. 7 I will give it all to you if you will worship me.”
Thankfully, Jesus loved God more than anything else and did not cave. Because He had spent time with the Father, He believed the Father would give Him all He needed in the end. Jesus went on with His earth mission and we were given back authority over the enemy.
Hebrews 2...8 You gave them authority over all things.”[c]Now when it says “all things,” it means nothing is left out. But we have not yet seen all things put under their authority. 9 What we do see is Jesus, who was given a position “a little lower than the angels”; and because he suffered death for us, he is now “crowned with glory and honor.” Yes, by God’s grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone. 10 God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation. 11 So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.[d]
So we see we have this authority over ALL things...nothing left out. That's EVERYTHING! And then we read that we have not yet seen all things put under our authority.
Well, I believe it is not because we don't have the authority, but rather because we don't choose to PUT things under the authority we have been given and make it seen!
Here is a great, paraphrased illustration from John Bevere's book, Relentless:
A leader sends a soldier into battle, equipping him with all the best weaponry possible to defeat the enemy. When the enemy comes, the soldier, instead of taking up his weapons and fighting, calls the leader on the phone and begs, "Oh Leader, help me! Please help me! The enemy is attacking! I am so tired and just wish they would stop. Why is this happening? Oh woe is me."
The leader replies, "What? What are you doing? I have given you everything you need to fight these foes! They are attacking because they want what you have, but I gave you everything you need to overcome them! You are more than a conqueror! Now take up your weapons and FIGHT!"
This changed me.
I had my understanding opened to all I have been letting the enemy do to me and mine! I don't have to tolerate or simply dodge the fiery arrows of the enemy! NO! I can take up every weapon that Jesus died to put in my hands and I can reign over the enemies of my soul!
Yes, they are mad. Yes, they want what I have!
What do I have that they don't? Forever forgiveness, unending love, high favor, great blessing...and unbroken communion with the Creator of All.
I have what the enemy of God can never, ever get back and so, heck yeah, they want to wear me down! We can very easily see what comes from the enemy and what comes from God by using this verse: John 10:10...The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
You can bet if something feels like it is being stolen from you or will kill or destroy you, God isn't doing it! Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father. There is NO darkness in God. He is not evil to His children.
In the Old Testament under the old covenant (the law), God did punish. Jesus had not come to take on the sin of mankind yet. But, under the new covenant of grace, God no longer seeks to pour out His wrath on you! He sees Jesus in your place, who is constantly making intercession on your behalf...reminding the Father that your debt has been paid in full.
Don't fear God...reverence and honor Him. Thank Him for grace and mercy that you cannot fathom, but rest in it. Don't be afraid of Him and His anger toward you because Jesus took care of it!
Absolutely do not use grace as a license to sin or justify sin! Jesus certainly didn't die for that! But, show your love for Him by obeying what the Word says and bring glory to His wisdom and ways. His Word is meant to guide us and protect us and lead us into abundant life!
*looked at what we received from Jesus-grace and mercy
*examined whether we live reacting to our flesh and what the enemy throws at us or if we choose to be proactive
*gleaned from Anna's example to live purposefully
*saw in the Word how we can come boldly before the throne of God in grace and ask our requests
*broke down why we should pray
*understood the importance of Jesus' prayer life
*learned that prayer cultivates a passion for God's presence
*realized how to guard our hearts
*pondered how the Word changes us and our situations
Now let's consider our authority...because let's face it, you can pray what is on your heart, even believe that God cares and is listening, and welcomes you before Him, BUT, if you don't think you have a "right," you probably aren't going to pray with power.
Luke 10...18 “Yes,” he told them, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! 19 Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. 20 But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven.”
When Adam and Eve made their choice to disobey God, they forfeited their authority...their power to rule and have dominion over the earth. That power became Satan's, and the Word shows us this when we read of Satan tempting Jesus in Luke 4...5 Then the devil took him up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 “I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please. 7 I will give it all to you if you will worship me.”
Thankfully, Jesus loved God more than anything else and did not cave. Because He had spent time with the Father, He believed the Father would give Him all He needed in the end. Jesus went on with His earth mission and we were given back authority over the enemy.
Hebrews 2...8 You gave them authority over all things.”[c]Now when it says “all things,” it means nothing is left out. But we have not yet seen all things put under their authority. 9 What we do see is Jesus, who was given a position “a little lower than the angels”; and because he suffered death for us, he is now “crowned with glory and honor.” Yes, by God’s grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone. 10 God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation. 11 So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.[d]
So we see we have this authority over ALL things...nothing left out. That's EVERYTHING! And then we read that we have not yet seen all things put under our authority.
Well, I believe it is not because we don't have the authority, but rather because we don't choose to PUT things under the authority we have been given and make it seen!
Here is a great, paraphrased illustration from John Bevere's book, Relentless:
A leader sends a soldier into battle, equipping him with all the best weaponry possible to defeat the enemy. When the enemy comes, the soldier, instead of taking up his weapons and fighting, calls the leader on the phone and begs, "Oh Leader, help me! Please help me! The enemy is attacking! I am so tired and just wish they would stop. Why is this happening? Oh woe is me."
The leader replies, "What? What are you doing? I have given you everything you need to fight these foes! They are attacking because they want what you have, but I gave you everything you need to overcome them! You are more than a conqueror! Now take up your weapons and FIGHT!"
This changed me.
I had my understanding opened to all I have been letting the enemy do to me and mine! I don't have to tolerate or simply dodge the fiery arrows of the enemy! NO! I can take up every weapon that Jesus died to put in my hands and I can reign over the enemies of my soul!
Yes, they are mad. Yes, they want what I have!
What do I have that they don't? Forever forgiveness, unending love, high favor, great blessing...and unbroken communion with the Creator of All.
I have what the enemy of God can never, ever get back and so, heck yeah, they want to wear me down! We can very easily see what comes from the enemy and what comes from God by using this verse: John 10:10...The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
You can bet if something feels like it is being stolen from you or will kill or destroy you, God isn't doing it! Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father. There is NO darkness in God. He is not evil to His children.
In the Old Testament under the old covenant (the law), God did punish. Jesus had not come to take on the sin of mankind yet. But, under the new covenant of grace, God no longer seeks to pour out His wrath on you! He sees Jesus in your place, who is constantly making intercession on your behalf...reminding the Father that your debt has been paid in full.
Don't fear God...reverence and honor Him. Thank Him for grace and mercy that you cannot fathom, but rest in it. Don't be afraid of Him and His anger toward you because Jesus took care of it!
Absolutely do not use grace as a license to sin or justify sin! Jesus certainly didn't die for that! But, show your love for Him by obeying what the Word says and bring glory to His wisdom and ways. His Word is meant to guide us and protect us and lead us into abundant life!
Friday, February 22, 2013
Inside Out
I didn't grow up having prayer modeled for me. I didn't go to any powerful prayer meetings or have parents that prayed in front of me. I wasn't quite sure what prayer should look like or sound like.
After I studied the life of Jesus and saw how important prayer was in His life, I knew I needed to practice it, but the how eluded me.
In the beginning years of marriage, we went through some pretty rough spots. All things that could have been prevented with some good discipleship when we were younger, but we had made choices and the consequences were not pleasant.
You know how in your selfishness you often see all the flaws of the other person, but justify your own thoughts, feelings, and actions? I used to get so aggravated with my husband. I thought if God could just fix him we would be fine!
It's so laughable now. Goodness that man put up with a lot from me. I was so blinded of my own shortcomings! But God is good, and when I cried out for help, He sure met me where I was.
He led me to a book called The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. I will be honest that I actually, literally threw it down three times! I couldn't believe I bought a book about praying for my husband (you know, who had the problems) and this woman was telling me in the first chapter to forget about his junk and look at mine! Maybe she had junk, but I wasn't "our" problem.
Yeah right! Boy did I get and need an eye opener.
You know what I learned though, as I read this life-changing book? That we all have issues...that usually we are blind to them...that true 1 Corinthians 13 love covers a multitude of sins.
At the end of each chapter in the book, the author had a prayer written that you could pray. The prayers were saturated with Scripture. That is how I learned to pray God's Word over my life and other people.
God's Word is His will. You can't go wrong when you pray what God says. It is true. And He tells us in Isaiah 55:11 It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
God's Word is living and powerful and will accomplish His will and not come back void of good fruit.
As I meditated on the Word, let my character be shown in the light of it, and let my mind be transformed, my patience and compassion grew for my husband. I learned to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
The enemy and my flesh had me blinded, but the light of God's Word opened my eyes of understanding. Truth set me free and changed me.
Pray God's Word over your life. Let your ears hear God's view and wisdom. Let it change you from the inside out. Watch it accomplish His will!
After I studied the life of Jesus and saw how important prayer was in His life, I knew I needed to practice it, but the how eluded me.
In the beginning years of marriage, we went through some pretty rough spots. All things that could have been prevented with some good discipleship when we were younger, but we had made choices and the consequences were not pleasant.
You know how in your selfishness you often see all the flaws of the other person, but justify your own thoughts, feelings, and actions? I used to get so aggravated with my husband. I thought if God could just fix him we would be fine!
It's so laughable now. Goodness that man put up with a lot from me. I was so blinded of my own shortcomings! But God is good, and when I cried out for help, He sure met me where I was.
He led me to a book called The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. I will be honest that I actually, literally threw it down three times! I couldn't believe I bought a book about praying for my husband (you know, who had the problems) and this woman was telling me in the first chapter to forget about his junk and look at mine! Maybe she had junk, but I wasn't "our" problem.
Yeah right! Boy did I get and need an eye opener.
You know what I learned though, as I read this life-changing book? That we all have issues...that usually we are blind to them...that true 1 Corinthians 13 love covers a multitude of sins.
At the end of each chapter in the book, the author had a prayer written that you could pray. The prayers were saturated with Scripture. That is how I learned to pray God's Word over my life and other people.
God's Word is His will. You can't go wrong when you pray what God says. It is true. And He tells us in Isaiah 55:11 It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
God's Word is living and powerful and will accomplish His will and not come back void of good fruit.
As I meditated on the Word, let my character be shown in the light of it, and let my mind be transformed, my patience and compassion grew for my husband. I learned to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
The enemy and my flesh had me blinded, but the light of God's Word opened my eyes of understanding. Truth set me free and changed me.
Pray God's Word over your life. Let your ears hear God's view and wisdom. Let it change you from the inside out. Watch it accomplish His will!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Prayers of Thanksgiving Guard the Heart
Philippians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in
every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Here it is! This is the verse that God anointed with revelation to my heart in the last couple of years!
How many of us know this one? We can quote it...probably even know a couple different songs with it!
We have heard it in sermons, had others encourage us with it, probably felt guilty by it! But, I want to shout this out: if you can really get what God is saying in these two verses, you can change your daily life!
All that I have been sharing in previous posts culminates right here!
Let's break it down.
DO NOT be anxious...okay, not a suggestion here. Don't! Do not!
Don't waste your time being anxious-worried, troubled, but in EVERY SINGLE THING, by prayers and requests WITH THANKSGIVING, talk to God.
THEN, the peace of God...which goes beyond what makes sense to you, will guard your heart and mind.
Now, link this to that famous portion of Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for
everything you do flows from it.
I had never seen these verses linked together. Above all the other wisdom being poured out in Proverbs, we are told to guard our heart. I always wondered how to do that!
NOW I know the how...by choosing to not allow myself to get anxious about anything, but turning every thought into a prayer of thanksgiving so the peace of God can reign in my heart and mind.
My choices allow God to be exalted above my troubles and guard my heart so that what flows from it, will produce good fruit.
Try to live like this each hour of each day. I dare you!!!
Try to live like this each hour of each day. I dare you!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Passion for His Presence
I'm very excited to share this post!
I recently started reading a book on Kindle called Pray What God Says. At the same time, I am doing a Bible study with some friends online, and we are studying the book of Luke. I was kissed by God as these two resources overlapped one another about the prophetess Anna!
The portion of Scripture is Luke 2:36-38, and the key points that jumped at me were these:
*Anna departed NOT from the temple (His presence)
*She served God with fasting (abstaining to focus on Him)
*She served God with prayer (expressions of help or praise)
*She served at night (seasons of challenge, darkness, valleys, dry places)
*She served in the day (seasons of good times & blessings)
*She gave thanks to the Lord
*She spoke of Him to all who looked for redemption
What a woman! Here, she lost her hubby, but instead of isolating herself, withdrawing from the Body, pouting or sulking in her pit of despair, Anna gave herself to God...and she did so for years!
She was purposeful and proactive!
Maybe she learned something through her ordeal. Maybe the enemy's attack on her husband made her downright mad enough to stop being reactive and start doing things a little differently. We don't know. But what we do know, is that Anna chose to be a living sacrifice.
She offered herself to God and created an atmosphere where His presence was welcome. Like Jesus, she withdrew long enough to seek the Father and came back full of passion and purpose...over and over again!
She found out how to bring heaven to earth! Her prayer kindled her passion for His presence. It caused her to exalt God above all else. She came to experience what the Word says in Hebrews 11:6...that God is a rewarder of those who seek Him diligently.
She not only partook in the reward of speaking to those who looked for redemption, but she also got to see Redemption with her own eyes as she watched Simeon bless the baby Jesus when His parents brought Him to the Temple!
Get away. Seek God. Exalt Him above all else in your life. Talk to Him. Listen to Him. Bask in His presence. Let your passion for Him grow. Out of that passion, will spring an admiration for Him that you can't shut-up about, as well as rewards you never imagined!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Jesus Prayed & Glory Revealed
Jesus prayed.
I know you know. But really, think about that for a few.
Jesus needed to, so we better, don't ya think?
Jesus desired, even seemed to crave time to talk with God. He rose early to do so. He pulled away from the crowd. He went away to solitary places to get alone with the Father!
He is the one who tells us in Matthew 7:7-8 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
I know you know. But really, think about that for a few.
Jesus needed to, so we better, don't ya think?
Jesus desired, even seemed to crave time to talk with God. He rose early to do so. He pulled away from the crowd. He went away to solitary places to get alone with the Father!
He is the one who tells us in Matthew 7:7-8 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
When I studied this out once, it translated, "Ask, and keep on asking; seek, and keep on seeking; knock, and keep on knocking..."
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed so earnestly that we are told He was sweating drops of blood. He knew what it was like to travail over the flesh in prayer. He longed to complete God's will.
He knew He couldn't do this life without the Father's help. He had to talk to His dad.
Jesus didn't just react to what the enemy threw at Him! He needed God's power. And when the enemy came to wear Him down, He wielded the Sword of the Spirit...the Word! Jesus reminded Satan of who God was, and I believe this helped him remind Himself as well.
We kid ourselves if we think life on earth was easy for Jesus because He is the Son of God. We are also sons and daughters and it is NOT easy, but neither is it hopeless!
When we know who we are and Who we belong to...when we know what has been done for us and what authority we have, we can reign in this life!
Even though Satan thought he had conquered the King of Kings, Jesus took captivity captive! But realize Jesus did so through reliance on the Father every hour of every day.
We must make time to listen, talk, and obey. Then we will see the glory of the Lord revealed.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Why Pray?
Okay, I have to address this: why pray?
Are you thinking that? Are you like I was once upon a time? Are you thinking, "Okay, so I can go boldly if I want, but I don't really see why I should. I mean, if God is so big and amazing that He knows it all, then why do I need to? Why can't He just help me out without me having to say it?"
I get it. I really do.
I do believe that many times God does indeed do just this...intervenes on our behalf when we don't even ask. I believe it because I have seen the evidence of it so many times in my life. I don't believe in coincidences.
But, here is why I think God wants us to pray. You see, I try to think of God in relation to me as I am in relation to my children (for we are children of God). I also think of Jesus as I am in relation to my husband (you know, since the Church is the Bride of Christ).
This has helped me understand things in a much different way.
I do a lot of things for my boys. Some they ask for, some they don't. I know a lot they don't know, as well as a lot they don't think I know! I do things for them to bless them, to help them, to show my love for them, to protect them, and to provide for them.
Many of these things they don't ever have to ask for, and have come to just expect because I have done them for so long. They don't even know all the ways I provide and protect around here!
Then there are those times they come boldly to me and just ask for what they want. Sometimes I give it to them or help them, but other times I have to say no. They aren't always happy with the no's, but like I said, I know things they don't know and can't see yet. I am not going to give them something that would bring more harm than good.
I love when they come and share their heart with me. I love when they take time to just be with me. I mean, they are my kids, so they are here in my house. I chose them. I had them. They are mine forever. And I have them near me, but oh how different that is than having their attention and time...having them talk to me and listen!
So yes...God sure is big and mighty enough to take care of us without our communion with Him. We don't have to talk for Him to know our hearts. He sure loves it when we do though.
I believe prayer was ordained by God to keep us coming back because, after all, we were created as the crowning glory of His creation just so He could be with us.
Adam and Eve forfeited that blessing. Jesus got it back for us. Don't throw it away!
Are you thinking that? Are you like I was once upon a time? Are you thinking, "Okay, so I can go boldly if I want, but I don't really see why I should. I mean, if God is so big and amazing that He knows it all, then why do I need to? Why can't He just help me out without me having to say it?"
I get it. I really do.
I do believe that many times God does indeed do just this...intervenes on our behalf when we don't even ask. I believe it because I have seen the evidence of it so many times in my life. I don't believe in coincidences.
But, here is why I think God wants us to pray. You see, I try to think of God in relation to me as I am in relation to my children (for we are children of God). I also think of Jesus as I am in relation to my husband (you know, since the Church is the Bride of Christ).
This has helped me understand things in a much different way.
I do a lot of things for my boys. Some they ask for, some they don't. I know a lot they don't know, as well as a lot they don't think I know! I do things for them to bless them, to help them, to show my love for them, to protect them, and to provide for them.
Many of these things they don't ever have to ask for, and have come to just expect because I have done them for so long. They don't even know all the ways I provide and protect around here!
Then there are those times they come boldly to me and just ask for what they want. Sometimes I give it to them or help them, but other times I have to say no. They aren't always happy with the no's, but like I said, I know things they don't know and can't see yet. I am not going to give them something that would bring more harm than good.
I love when they come and share their heart with me. I love when they take time to just be with me. I mean, they are my kids, so they are here in my house. I chose them. I had them. They are mine forever. And I have them near me, but oh how different that is than having their attention and time...having them talk to me and listen!
So yes...God sure is big and mighty enough to take care of us without our communion with Him. We don't have to talk for Him to know our hearts. He sure loves it when we do though.
I believe prayer was ordained by God to keep us coming back because, after all, we were created as the crowning glory of His creation just so He could be with us.
Adam and Eve forfeited that blessing. Jesus got it back for us. Don't throw it away!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Go Boldly!
How important is it to listen to the Spirit of God?
Here is a link to a previous post about what happened one morning in my life. Read it and see if you think my prayer made a difference.
In the Garden of Eden, we are told about the sweet communion Adam and Eve experienced with the Father. He walked with them and talked with them. He gave some specific instructions, and He gave them incredible blessing.
Unfortunately, they didn't follow His instructions, and they broke that sweet fellowship in the way they new it. They felt shame and heartache to the point of wanting to hide from Him! Everything about the world changed that day, and everything about mankind's interaction with God changed as well.
The Good News is that though our ancestors went many dry years with only touches of the Spirit of God, Jesus came to give us unending and unbroken communion with Him once and for all!
Hebrews 4:14-16 says 14 We have a great high priest who has gone
to live with God in heaven. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us continue to
express our faith in him. 15 Jesus, our high priest, is able to understand our
weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was
tempted in the same ways we are tempted, but he never sinned. 16 With Jesus as
our high priest, we can feel free to come before God’s throne where there is
grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.
Jesus tore the veil of separation that kept us from ongoing communion, and now, we can come BOLDLY before the throne of God and receive His help!
If God went to such great lengths to send Jesus to bring us back legally by the shedding of a blood covenant...and if Jesus chose to endure all He did to fulfill God's plan...then why do we not boldly go???
Why oh why do we spend our days flopping around, taking all the enemy throws at us, as if we have little hope or as if God doesn't WANT to help us?
Let this TRUTH sink down into the deepest part of you: God didn't even withhold His very SON from you!
Romans 8:32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't he also give us everything else?
Jesus tore the veil of separation that kept us from ongoing communion, and now, we can come BOLDLY before the throne of God and receive His help!
If God went to such great lengths to send Jesus to bring us back legally by the shedding of a blood covenant...and if Jesus chose to endure all He did to fulfill God's plan...then why do we not boldly go???
Why oh why do we spend our days flopping around, taking all the enemy throws at us, as if we have little hope or as if God doesn't WANT to help us?
Let this TRUTH sink down into the deepest part of you: God didn't even withhold His very SON from you!
Romans 8:32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won't he also give us everything else?
Does God lie? No way! The Bible tells us He is not like man who lies. We can believe what we read with certainty that it has been written and preserved for us to count on!
Abba Father did not even withhold or spare His Son for our sake so why do we not believe we can go to Him for EVERYTHING else that concerns us?
Go boldly and present your requests.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
People of Purpose
Do you believe that God speaks?
Now, first, let me say, I'm not aiming this at peeps who don't believe the Bible is true. I would need to have an entirely different discussion with those people. This question is for my brothers and sisters who have settled the issue of Bible validity in themselves and KNOW that God is who He says He is, that the Bible is inspired by Him, and that God has preserved the Word for all time.
So...to those who truly say they believe...do you really believe God speaks?
John 10:27 says My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me.
Here is the truth. He speaks. We listen and follow.
God still speaks to us...through the Word which is living and active, through other people by the Holy Spirit, through our spirit from His Spirit...
And do you believe God listens to you? Do your truly believe that He cares and He hears you?
Psalm 4:3 says You can be sure that anyone who serves the Lord faithfully is special to him. The Lord listens when I pray to him.
The Psalmist was sure!
In conversations I have had with other Christians though, it seems many who call Him Father may believe He hears their prayers, but they aren't too sure He speaks.
They also aren't sure He cares about what matters to them...or maybe He cares only about the "big" things.
Some even think they shouldn't "bother" Him with their concerns at all.
This is just the enemy trying to take away gift of power in the life of a child of God!
Think about how God created communication. He created our organs and our senses. It seems that He went to great lengths to make us able to communicate by talking AND listening. Clearly He intended both, and both we see Him doing with Adam and Eve in Eden. He called it good then, so I believe His desire is to communicate with us this way still. Jesus made that possible so don't forfeit this gift!
Living proactively instead of reactively requires us to communicate with God regularly. It requires more than us throwing some begging words out into the air and wishing for the best. The Bible shows us that the enemy roams around seeking whom He may devour. The rebellious angels don't seem to be resting, but we think we don't need to be purposeful to raise up a standard against them??? Doesn't make for much of a battle plan on our part, does it?
I wonder how much grief and trouble we just endure because we don't live proactively. I wonder how many fiery arrows could be thwarted if we did things a little differently on a daily basis.
We need to be people of purpose (committed to a specific task) and people of faith (being confidently assured of what we can't see with our eyes).
We can and should purposefully choose to:
*know what God's Word says about us and what authority we have in this life (many Christians don't even read the Bible for themselves)
*take our thoughts captive and line it up with the Word (many of us let our imaginations run away)
*pray over situations according to the Word...(many of us don't take prayer seriously or only see it as a last resort)
What changes do you sense God is leading you to make?
Now, first, let me say, I'm not aiming this at peeps who don't believe the Bible is true. I would need to have an entirely different discussion with those people. This question is for my brothers and sisters who have settled the issue of Bible validity in themselves and KNOW that God is who He says He is, that the Bible is inspired by Him, and that God has preserved the Word for all time.
So...to those who truly say they believe...do you really believe God speaks?
John 10:27 says My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me.
Here is the truth. He speaks. We listen and follow.
God still speaks to us...through the Word which is living and active, through other people by the Holy Spirit, through our spirit from His Spirit...
And do you believe God listens to you? Do your truly believe that He cares and He hears you?
Psalm 4:3 says You can be sure that anyone who serves the Lord faithfully is special to him. The Lord listens when I pray to him.
The Psalmist was sure!
In conversations I have had with other Christians though, it seems many who call Him Father may believe He hears their prayers, but they aren't too sure He speaks.
They also aren't sure He cares about what matters to them...or maybe He cares only about the "big" things.
Some even think they shouldn't "bother" Him with their concerns at all.
This is just the enemy trying to take away gift of power in the life of a child of God!
Think about how God created communication. He created our organs and our senses. It seems that He went to great lengths to make us able to communicate by talking AND listening. Clearly He intended both, and both we see Him doing with Adam and Eve in Eden. He called it good then, so I believe His desire is to communicate with us this way still. Jesus made that possible so don't forfeit this gift!
Living proactively instead of reactively requires us to communicate with God regularly. It requires more than us throwing some begging words out into the air and wishing for the best. The Bible shows us that the enemy roams around seeking whom He may devour. The rebellious angels don't seem to be resting, but we think we don't need to be purposeful to raise up a standard against them??? Doesn't make for much of a battle plan on our part, does it?
I wonder how much grief and trouble we just endure because we don't live proactively. I wonder how many fiery arrows could be thwarted if we did things a little differently on a daily basis.
We need to be people of purpose (committed to a specific task) and people of faith (being confidently assured of what we can't see with our eyes).
We can and should purposefully choose to:
*know what God's Word says about us and what authority we have in this life (many Christians don't even read the Bible for themselves)
*take our thoughts captive and line it up with the Word (many of us let our imaginations run away)
*pray over situations according to the Word...(many of us don't take prayer seriously or only see it as a last resort)
What changes do you sense God is leading you to make?
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Proactive or Reactive?
Have you ever thought about how you live your daily life?
Ever really taken time to inventory and evaluate what you do and how you do it?
Ever sat and thought about a plan for your daily life, or do you just keep finding yourself looking back at how you have been hanging onto a bobbing log as you are tossed through the waves and nearly drowned?
I use to live like that.
Not anymore :)
I began to see some things in the Bible in ways I had not seen them before, and I made a deliberate decision to live proactively instead of re-actively. This also involves training yourself to live by faith and not fear.
Oh, I have by no means mastered this, but I can say that I have gained much ground. I experience peace that passes human understanding...even in the midst of chaos. I don't battle fear like I once did. I see prayers answered on a regular basis.
Now, since I know I am no more special than any other child of the Most High God, I know you can experience these things as well.
Come back if you would like to hear more of my journey in proactive living.
Ever really taken time to inventory and evaluate what you do and how you do it?
Ever sat and thought about a plan for your daily life, or do you just keep finding yourself looking back at how you have been hanging onto a bobbing log as you are tossed through the waves and nearly drowned?
I use to live like that.
Not anymore :)
I began to see some things in the Bible in ways I had not seen them before, and I made a deliberate decision to live proactively instead of re-actively. This also involves training yourself to live by faith and not fear.
Oh, I have by no means mastered this, but I can say that I have gained much ground. I experience peace that passes human understanding...even in the midst of chaos. I don't battle fear like I once did. I see prayers answered on a regular basis.
Now, since I know I am no more special than any other child of the Most High God, I know you can experience these things as well.
Come back if you would like to hear more of my journey in proactive living.
Mercy and Grace
I feel like keys to the Kingdom have been placed in my hand over the last couple of years!
What do I mean?
I mean that amazing knowledge and wisdom has come alive to me. It feels like a secret...something set apart for a favored group of people.
Why am I so haughty to think of myself as "favored" you ask? Because God says I am. He also says that some things are kept secret for those who are in Him. The world won't understand them because HE gives the revelation of them. These are gifts, and they are "keys" to abundant life.
When I received Jesus as my substitute...as the scapegoat for my sins, I received the same favor God gives to Jesus.
Some of you should go back and read that again. Go ahead.
Yes, I said the SAME favor God gives Jesus! Many, many Christians go their whole walk never having this realization.
It is not proud to say this. It is not at all haughty to say that you are a joint heir with Jesus, seated with Him in heavenly places...a king and priest unto God. You can say it and say it boldly with confidence because GOD says it is so!
In truth, it is honor to Jesus to realize what He fully did for you and share it with the world!
No, we don't deserve it. We deserve hell and misery. But through Jesus, we get mercy and grace.
Mercy = not getting what we do deserve
Grace = getting what we don't deserve
I know. It makes no human sense to me either! I'm just so thankful that His thoughts are above my thoughts and His ways are above my ways.
Please realize who you are IN Jesus. You don't have to be afraid or sit around waiting for lightning bolts to strike you when you screw up!
Remember, Jesus CHOSE to die for ALL your sins. ALL means nothing lacking okay! You aren't just forgiven on the day you ask Jesus into your heart from all the sins you committed in the past. God's forgiveness for every single sin you would ever commit came to you in full when you received Jesus' atonement...even the sins you would commit AFTER you were saved!
He took your place and you got mercy and grace! Receive it in full. Allow Him to lavish His love and favor on you. You have no reason to be afraid of Him. When the Bible says, "Fear the Lord," it means to reverence and honor Him. We obey because we love Him, not because it earns us salvation.
Stay tuned...I have more good news to share :)
What do I mean?
I mean that amazing knowledge and wisdom has come alive to me. It feels like a secret...something set apart for a favored group of people.
Why am I so haughty to think of myself as "favored" you ask? Because God says I am. He also says that some things are kept secret for those who are in Him. The world won't understand them because HE gives the revelation of them. These are gifts, and they are "keys" to abundant life.
When I received Jesus as my substitute...as the scapegoat for my sins, I received the same favor God gives to Jesus.
Some of you should go back and read that again. Go ahead.
Yes, I said the SAME favor God gives Jesus! Many, many Christians go their whole walk never having this realization.
It is not proud to say this. It is not at all haughty to say that you are a joint heir with Jesus, seated with Him in heavenly places...a king and priest unto God. You can say it and say it boldly with confidence because GOD says it is so!
In truth, it is honor to Jesus to realize what He fully did for you and share it with the world!
No, we don't deserve it. We deserve hell and misery. But through Jesus, we get mercy and grace.
Mercy = not getting what we do deserve
Grace = getting what we don't deserve
I know. It makes no human sense to me either! I'm just so thankful that His thoughts are above my thoughts and His ways are above my ways.
Please realize who you are IN Jesus. You don't have to be afraid or sit around waiting for lightning bolts to strike you when you screw up!
Remember, Jesus CHOSE to die for ALL your sins. ALL means nothing lacking okay! You aren't just forgiven on the day you ask Jesus into your heart from all the sins you committed in the past. God's forgiveness for every single sin you would ever commit came to you in full when you received Jesus' atonement...even the sins you would commit AFTER you were saved!
He took your place and you got mercy and grace! Receive it in full. Allow Him to lavish His love and favor on you. You have no reason to be afraid of Him. When the Bible says, "Fear the Lord," it means to reverence and honor Him. We obey because we love Him, not because it earns us salvation.
Stay tuned...I have more good news to share :)
Thursday, January 31, 2013
I have been a busy bee lately helping to get some things done for our mission team leaving for Nicaragua next week.
I have never been part of the packing process in this way. My 14-year-old was helping us some and as he sat in the floor surrounded by donations, he said, "I feel like I am stuck in a combination of Hoarders, Buried Alive, and Extreme Couponing!"
What a blessing to have mounds of things around us that others want to give!
What a sickening feeling to know that you are out of suitcase space and money to pay for extra baggage. :(
My basement is full of things that these precious children could use, but unless God opens up doors, we have no way to get them there.
Sadly, there are plenty of people in need right here in our communities.
Let's open our eyes to the things we would rather not see. Let's open our ears to what we would rather not hear.
I get it. I understand. It's hard. It's overwhelming. It's often inconvenient, and as my friend, Chris, said at church Sunday, it costs us something.
Lord, help me to do for the least of these what you would have me to do.
I have never been part of the packing process in this way. My 14-year-old was helping us some and as he sat in the floor surrounded by donations, he said, "I feel like I am stuck in a combination of Hoarders, Buried Alive, and Extreme Couponing!"
What a blessing to have mounds of things around us that others want to give!
What a sickening feeling to know that you are out of suitcase space and money to pay for extra baggage. :(
My basement is full of things that these precious children could use, but unless God opens up doors, we have no way to get them there.
Sadly, there are plenty of people in need right here in our communities.
Let's open our eyes to the things we would rather not see. Let's open our ears to what we would rather not hear.
I get it. I understand. It's hard. It's overwhelming. It's often inconvenient, and as my friend, Chris, said at church Sunday, it costs us something.
Lord, help me to do for the least of these what you would have me to do.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Failure Is Not An Option!
It can be so tempting to give up when you start making changes. You let yourself slack one time...then two...maybe a whole day, and often think, "Oh what's the use! I always fail!"
I want to encourage you today to see each day as a new chance! Even be so bold as to see each individual opportunity as a new chance. Habits are formed by choosing something each and every time. Don't get in the pit and wallow around! Pick yourself up and try again.
When the enemies know what works on you, they will try to come against you with it over and over. Your flesh doesn't want to fight, but fight you must! C'mon! That change was put on your heart for a reason. You need it. You even WANT it deep down inside. No, it isn't easy, but it is possible!
You can do all things that God calls you to because He equips you. You have to choose to cast down vain imaginations and lies that you are a failure! You have to declare, "I will make choices that benefit me and take me closer to the goal." YOU CAN DO THIS!
One foot in front of the other...one day at a time...one hour at a time...one choice at a time. Have your vision in mind. Write it down! Think about what it takes to get there. Start your journey. Get up when you slip. Believe in Him who is able to sustain you. He knows. He understands. He wants to help. Be on the look out for all the ways He sends you help and speaks to you. Set your face like flint and kick the old to the curb!
Don't allow failure to be an option!
I want to encourage you today to see each day as a new chance! Even be so bold as to see each individual opportunity as a new chance. Habits are formed by choosing something each and every time. Don't get in the pit and wallow around! Pick yourself up and try again.
When the enemies know what works on you, they will try to come against you with it over and over. Your flesh doesn't want to fight, but fight you must! C'mon! That change was put on your heart for a reason. You need it. You even WANT it deep down inside. No, it isn't easy, but it is possible!
You can do all things that God calls you to because He equips you. You have to choose to cast down vain imaginations and lies that you are a failure! You have to declare, "I will make choices that benefit me and take me closer to the goal." YOU CAN DO THIS!
One foot in front of the other...one day at a time...one hour at a time...one choice at a time. Have your vision in mind. Write it down! Think about what it takes to get there. Start your journey. Get up when you slip. Believe in Him who is able to sustain you. He knows. He understands. He wants to help. Be on the look out for all the ways He sends you help and speaks to you. Set your face like flint and kick the old to the curb!
Don't allow failure to be an option!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Little Bites=Big Victories!
This is the season when many are working at changing things in life. Maybe eating habits or exercise routines...time management or daily reading. Whatever you are trying to change, remember that usually slow and steady wins the race!
In the past, I have made elaborate plans. I start off with such gusto and then within days I fall flat on my face in failure and defeat. I understand now that I was trying to make too many changes too quickly. I couldn't maintain that momentum and my motivation dwindled.
Presently, I am focusing on making small changes either daily or weekly so that I can see success and be encouraged. Wow, what a difference!
What are some simple changes you could make that you believe you can actually stick to? Perhaps drinking water through the week and only allowing yourself soda on the weekend. What about committing to read one verse of Scripture per day that you will think on all day long? Maybe you can't workout for 45 minutes but you can alternate walking and jogging in place during every commercial of your favorite show.
Look for ways to include the "littles." Every little bite out of a giant mountain is still a bite! Pick do-able goals and build up from there. In no time at all you will be sharing your victory testimonies with others!
In the past, I have made elaborate plans. I start off with such gusto and then within days I fall flat on my face in failure and defeat. I understand now that I was trying to make too many changes too quickly. I couldn't maintain that momentum and my motivation dwindled.
Presently, I am focusing on making small changes either daily or weekly so that I can see success and be encouraged. Wow, what a difference!
What are some simple changes you could make that you believe you can actually stick to? Perhaps drinking water through the week and only allowing yourself soda on the weekend. What about committing to read one verse of Scripture per day that you will think on all day long? Maybe you can't workout for 45 minutes but you can alternate walking and jogging in place during every commercial of your favorite show.
Look for ways to include the "littles." Every little bite out of a giant mountain is still a bite! Pick do-able goals and build up from there. In no time at all you will be sharing your victory testimonies with others!
Monday, January 7, 2013
New Days!
Isn't it such a blessing that we have "new days" as people? I have been thinking on resolutions that usually are flippantly spouted out, not of individuals who are resolved to do the action required, but out of wishful thinkers! Oh, I am guilty to be sure! I know all too well how those good thoughts and even plans fall to the wayside and never find fruition.
There are those times when we step out though...take a big or little leap of faith and shout, at least from the inside, "Lord, help me!" We start making some grand changes and then...we crash and burn within three days...wallowing in self-pity and loathing our pathetic willpower. C'mon, you know what I'm talking about out there!
God is really meeting me in my recent "new day" and setting some tools in my path to spur me on to success! He truly does go before us and makes a way when we ask and believe.
I just want to encourage all of you "new day-ers" who are brave enough to jump...or even tip-toe...out into another wishful thought that big changes are most often made by little decisions that culminate into goals reached.
Don't be discouraged when you fall. A new day awaits you...with God's grace (empowerment) to help you conquer! Don't accept defeat and don't be swayed from the goal. With God, nothing is impossible for you!
There are those times when we step out though...take a big or little leap of faith and shout, at least from the inside, "Lord, help me!" We start making some grand changes and then...we crash and burn within three days...wallowing in self-pity and loathing our pathetic willpower. C'mon, you know what I'm talking about out there!
God is really meeting me in my recent "new day" and setting some tools in my path to spur me on to success! He truly does go before us and makes a way when we ask and believe.
I just want to encourage all of you "new day-ers" who are brave enough to jump...or even tip-toe...out into another wishful thought that big changes are most often made by little decisions that culminate into goals reached.
Don't be discouraged when you fall. A new day awaits you...with God's grace (empowerment) to help you conquer! Don't accept defeat and don't be swayed from the goal. With God, nothing is impossible for you!
Friday, January 4, 2013
2013~Make a Difference!
Here we go! Off into the great unknown of another year.
Excited? Fearful? Dreadful? Uncertain? Relieved? Happy?
It can mean so many things to different people, this thing called change.
I personally like anything that gives the feeling of a fresh start. It helps me to let go of what was and move on!
As I awoke on January 1, I had two portions of Scripture on my mind:
12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
As I have read over these words in the past week, I recognize the message to my heart (and dare I say, the Body of Christ) this year:
~throw off what is holding you back & messing you up
~don't allow yourself to grow weary
~be confident that the path has been laid out before you
~keep your eyes on Jesus, not circumstances or fears
~endure...Jesus did & has given you the power to also
~remember, one day, every hard moment will be worth it
~take hold of what Jesus died to give you
I notice that these are all actions. It's up to me. It's up to you. It's up to us.
To passionately pursue is to zealously, fervently, violently gain, attain, capture, and overtake that which you are trying to obtain!
Of course, this is not to allude to harming or wounding any person, but to know your purpose clearly and to be determined to see it fulfilled. We hold many positions: mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, loved one, friend, business owner, employee, teacher, pastor, helper, leader, follower...
The days of passivity need to be over...in our hearts, our heads, our bodies...our families, our churches, our communities, our country...our world.
For such a time as this, we have been equipped and reaction needs to be replaced by action and proaction!
GET UP AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE...because you can!
Excited? Fearful? Dreadful? Uncertain? Relieved? Happy?
It can mean so many things to different people, this thing called change.
I personally like anything that gives the feeling of a fresh start. It helps me to let go of what was and move on!
As I awoke on January 1, I had two portions of Scripture on my mind:
Hebrews 12 New International Version (NIV)
12 Therefore,
since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us
throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Philippians 3 New International Version (NIV)
As I have read over these words in the past week, I recognize the message to my heart (and dare I say, the Body of Christ) this year:
~throw off what is holding you back & messing you up
~don't allow yourself to grow weary
~be confident that the path has been laid out before you
~keep your eyes on Jesus, not circumstances or fears
~endure...Jesus did & has given you the power to also
~remember, one day, every hard moment will be worth it
~take hold of what Jesus died to give you
I notice that these are all actions. It's up to me. It's up to you. It's up to us.
To passionately pursue is to zealously, fervently, violently gain, attain, capture, and overtake that which you are trying to obtain!
Of course, this is not to allude to harming or wounding any person, but to know your purpose clearly and to be determined to see it fulfilled. We hold many positions: mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, loved one, friend, business owner, employee, teacher, pastor, helper, leader, follower...
The days of passivity need to be over...in our hearts, our heads, our bodies...our families, our churches, our communities, our country...our world.
For such a time as this, we have been equipped and reaction needs to be replaced by action and proaction!
GET UP AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE...because you can!
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