I didn't grow up having prayer modeled for me. I didn't go to any powerful prayer meetings or have parents that prayed in front of me. I wasn't quite sure what prayer should look like or sound like.
After I studied the life of Jesus and saw how important prayer was in His life, I knew I needed to practice it, but the how eluded me.
In the beginning years of marriage, we went through some pretty rough spots. All things that could have been prevented with some good discipleship when we were younger, but we had made choices and the consequences were not pleasant.
You know how in your selfishness you often see all the flaws of the other person, but justify your own thoughts, feelings, and actions? I used to get so aggravated with my husband. I thought if God could just fix him we would be fine!
It's so laughable now. Goodness that man put up with a lot from me. I was so blinded of my own shortcomings! But God is good, and when I cried out for help, He sure met me where I was.
He led me to a book called The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. I will be honest that I actually, literally threw it down three times! I couldn't believe I bought a book about praying for my husband (you know, who had the problems) and this woman was telling me in the first chapter to forget about his junk and look at mine! Maybe she had junk, but I wasn't "our" problem.
Yeah right! Boy did I get and need an eye opener.
You know what I learned though, as I read this life-changing book? That we all have issues...that usually we are blind to them...that true 1 Corinthians 13 love covers a multitude of sins.
At the end of each chapter in the book, the author had a prayer written that you could pray. The prayers were saturated with Scripture. That is how I learned to pray God's Word over my life and other people.
God's Word is His will. You can't go wrong when you pray what God says. It is true. And He tells us in Isaiah 55:11 It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
God's Word is living and powerful and will accomplish His will and not come back void of good fruit.
As I meditated on the Word, let my character be shown in the light of it, and let my mind be transformed, my patience and compassion grew for my husband. I learned to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
The enemy and my flesh had me blinded, but the light of God's Word opened my eyes of understanding. Truth set me free and changed me.
Pray God's Word over your life. Let your ears hear God's view and wisdom. Let it change you from the inside out. Watch it accomplish His will!
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