I feel like keys to the Kingdom have been placed in my hand over the last couple of years!
What do I mean?
I mean that amazing knowledge and wisdom has come alive to me. It feels like a secret...something set apart for a favored group of people.
Why am I so haughty to think of myself as "favored" you ask? Because God says I am. He also says that some things are kept secret for those who are in Him. The world won't understand them because HE gives the revelation of them. These are gifts, and they are "keys" to abundant life.
When I received Jesus as my substitute...as the scapegoat for my sins, I received the same favor God gives to Jesus.
Some of you should go back and read that again. Go ahead.
Yes, I said the SAME favor God gives Jesus! Many, many Christians go their whole walk never having this realization.
It is not proud to say this. It is not at all haughty to say that you are a joint heir with Jesus, seated with Him in heavenly places...a king and priest unto God. You can say it and say it boldly with confidence because GOD says it is so!
In truth, it is honor to Jesus to realize what He fully did for you and share it with the world!
No, we don't deserve it. We deserve hell and misery. But through Jesus, we get mercy and grace.
Mercy = not getting what we do deserve
Grace = getting what we don't deserve
I know. It makes no human sense to me either! I'm just so thankful that His thoughts are above my thoughts and His ways are above my ways.
Please realize who you are IN Jesus. You don't have to be afraid or sit around waiting for lightning bolts to strike you when you screw up!
Remember, Jesus CHOSE to die for ALL your sins. ALL means nothing lacking okay! You aren't just forgiven on the day you ask Jesus into your heart from all the sins you committed in the past. God's forgiveness for every single sin you would ever commit came to you in full when you received Jesus' atonement...even the sins you would commit AFTER you were saved!
He took your place and you got mercy and grace! Receive it in full. Allow Him to lavish His love and favor on you. You have no reason to be afraid of Him. When the Bible says, "Fear the Lord," it means to reverence and honor Him. We obey because we love Him, not because it earns us salvation.
Stay tuned...I have more good news to share :)
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