Friday, August 24, 2012

Be Careful With Your Promise!

Recently, when asked by my friend if I thought she should share with others what God has recently revealed is coming down the line for her, I shared this:  I don't think it's wrong for you to hold on to your intimate kiss from your King. I think too many people are limited to today and can't see the big picture. The last thing you want is nay-sayers, pushers, nosy questioners, etc... This is yours to walk out. I would write about it in a journal because one day you will want to testify and minister about how to be joyful in the waiting for a promise. The best gift you can give others right now is not the details of your business, but the overflow of peace that you are gaining from trusting. You don't need anyone saying anything that will keep your eyes on the gifts more than the Gift-giver. One thing I know for you walk with God through this will determine how long you walk...just like the Israelites in the wilderness. It could have been an 11 day journey, but because of their focus and attitude, it ended up being 40 years! They let their eyes shift from Him to them...from what He wanted to what they wanted. He purposefully led them to the wilderness FIRST before the Promised Land TO TEACH THEM HOW TO WORSHIP HIM just so they wouldn't worship their reward. In God's great love for us as His children, He will not allow us to have idols before Him.