Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do Hard Things!

I started reading a book this morning called Do Hard Things and I can't stop the tears. I don't know why fully yet, but I am grieved partly because when Garrison (our oldest son, 14) read it, he began to talk about things and be stirred up about things and now I see that I didn't catch his vision and he probably didn't know how to articulate it exactly. I know God will show me what to do about that now, but this also sparked something else in me.

I think as parents we often don't utilize our full weight of influence. We back down and don't want to push our kids too much. We often don't see all the lies of society we have bought into that don't line up biblically. This book is about how we have come to expect so little of the teen years are nothing more than a vacation time with the only responsibilities being some schoolwork and a few chores. Find that in the Bible. You won't. It isn't there.

The teen years are a preparation time, just as they were for Jesus, but likewise, Jesus was already starting to step out in His call as He was young and meeting with the teachers. My point? Raise your standards for your kids. Give them opportunity to rise to them. Give them the grace to fall, but inspire them to soar!

So they don't even believe they say? Make them prove to you why. Have a night designated for family study where you all dive in and find out how the Bible is truly God's Word or isn't. Don't think you have to have all the answers. Just explore good questions and let God pierce the heart. Change the tide in your home. Set a standard and call them to it...of course seeing to it that you discipline yourself first and foremost. You don't need to call it Bible study and freak them out. Call it family time with a purpose. Whatever...just hold them accountable for whatever they claim and tell them whatever it is, they need to be strong in it. Make them own it. Don't just let them run their mouth. This is a big deal. Their eternity depends on it.

Be very careful what advice you follow in how you handle your children. Don't cave to man-made philosophy that you will push your child away or crush their heart,.. etc... by setting a Godly standard in your home. After all, it was God who said to teach His Word and ways DILIGENTLY to your children all throughout your days with them!

Don't be willing to simply stand by and wait and hope they will believe or grow. You only have the influence you do as long as they live with you. Don't let that pass you by. No, you cannot shove Jesus or growth into them. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink right? But remember this...if you keep him there long enough, he will get thirsty!

I challenge you today to seek the Lord on how He wants to anoint you to take your household deeper...even your church, community, nation, and world! Don't put God in a limited box. With Him, one person changed the world. It won't look the same in your home as it does in another persons.  Be you. Let God lead you to impact your people!

Be willing. Be courageous. DO HARD THINGS and trust God for the end result. Let Jesus truly reign supreme through you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Praying for Others

I am doing a study in Colossians with some other women, and I have been reminded of the importance of praying for our brethren around the world. Paul prayed ALWAYS for his brethren.

My prayer based on Col 1: 1-14


I give you thanks for the faith and love in your children all around the world, which comes from the confident assurance we have in you! I thank you that our lives are bearing fruit for your glory as we grow deeper in our understanding of grace. I ask you to give us complete knowledge of your will, spiritual wisdom, and understanding, so that the way we live will always honor and please you Lord. May our lives produce every kind of good fruit, and may we grow as we learn to know you better and better. Thank you for strengthening us with all your glorious power so we will have the endurance and patience we need with joy. May we always be thankful to you, for you have enabled us to share in the inheritance that belongs to Jesus. Praise you that we are rescued from the rebel kingdom of darkness to serve a rightful King who purchased our freedom with His very blood!

I think I will print this out and keep it in my Bible and become more like Paul, praying God's Word over his children!

Be encouraged today family :) Greater is he in us than the one who is in this world!