Thursday, January 31, 2013


I have been a busy bee lately helping to get some things done for our mission team leaving for Nicaragua next week.  

I have never been part of the packing process in this way.  My 14-year-old was helping us some and as he sat in the floor surrounded by donations, he said, "I feel like I am stuck in a combination of Hoarders, Buried Alive, and Extreme Couponing!"

What a blessing to have mounds of things around us that others want to give!

What a sickening feeling to know that you are out of suitcase space and money to pay for extra baggage. :(

My basement is full of things that these precious children could use, but unless God opens up doors, we have no way to get them there.

Sadly, there are plenty of people in need right here in our communities.  

Let's open our eyes to the things we would rather not see.  Let's open our ears to what we would rather not hear.

I get it.  I understand.  It's hard.  It's overwhelming.  It's often inconvenient, and as my friend, Chris, said at church Sunday, it costs us something.   

Lord, help me to do for the least of these what you would have me to do. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Failure Is Not An Option!

It can be so tempting to give up when you start making changes.  You let yourself slack one time...then two...maybe a whole day, and often think, "Oh what's the use!  I always fail!"

I want to encourage you today to see each day as a new chance!  Even be so bold as to see each individual opportunity as a new chance.  Habits are formed by choosing something each and every time.  Don't get in the pit and wallow around!  Pick yourself up and try again.

When the enemies know what works on you, they will try to come against you with it over and over.  Your flesh doesn't want to fight, but fight you must!  C'mon!  That change was put on your heart for a reason.  You need it.  You even WANT it deep down inside.  No, it isn't easy, but it is possible!

You can do all things that God calls you to because He equips you.  You have to choose to cast down vain imaginations and lies that you are a failure!  You have to declare, "I will make choices that benefit me and take me closer to the goal."  YOU CAN DO THIS!  

One foot in front of the day at a hour at a choice at a time.  Have your vision in mind.  Write it down!  Think about what it takes to get there.  Start your journey.  Get up when you slip.  Believe in Him who is able to sustain you.  He knows.  He understands.  He wants to help.  Be on the look out for all the ways He sends you help and speaks to you.  Set your face like flint and kick the old to the curb!  

Don't allow failure to be an option!   

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Little Bites=Big Victories!

This is the season when many are working at changing things in life. Maybe eating habits or exercise routines...time management or daily reading. Whatever you are trying to change, remember that usually slow and steady wins the race! 

In the past, I have made elaborate plans. I start off with such gusto and then within days I fall flat on my face in failure and defeat. I understand now that I was trying to make too many changes too quickly. I couldn't maintain that momentum and my motivation dwindled. 

Presently, I am focusing on making small changes either daily or weekly so that I can see success and be encouraged. Wow, what a difference!

What are some simple changes you could make that you believe you can actually stick to? Perhaps drinking water through the week and only allowing yourself soda on the weekend. What about committing to read one verse of Scripture per day that you will think on all day long? Maybe you can't workout for 45 minutes but you can alternate walking and jogging in place during every commercial of your favorite show.

Look for ways to include the "littles." Every little bite out of a giant mountain is still a bite! Pick do-able goals and build up from there. In no time at all you will be sharing your victory testimonies with others!

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Days!

Isn't it such a blessing that we have "new days" as people?  I have been thinking on resolutions that usually are flippantly spouted out, not of individuals who are resolved to do the action required, but out of wishful thinkers!  Oh, I am guilty to be sure!  I know all too well how those good thoughts and even plans fall to the wayside and never find fruition.

There are those times when we step out though...take a big or little leap of faith and shout, at least from the inside, "Lord, help me!" We start making some grand changes and then...we crash and burn within three days...wallowing in self-pity and loathing our pathetic willpower.  C'mon, you know what I'm talking about out there!

God is really meeting me in my recent "new day" and setting some tools in my path to spur me on to success!  He truly does go before us and makes a way when we ask and believe.

I just want to encourage all of you "new day-ers" who are brave enough to jump...or even tip-toe...out into another wishful thought that big changes are most often made by little decisions that culminate into goals reached.

Don't be discouraged when you fall.  A new day awaits you...with God's grace (empowerment) to help you conquer!  Don't accept defeat and don't be swayed from the goal.  With God, nothing is impossible for you! 


Friday, January 4, 2013

2013~Make a Difference!

Here we go!  Off into the great unknown of another year.  

Excited? Fearful? Dreadful? Uncertain?  Relieved? Happy?

It can mean so many things to different people, this thing called change.

I personally like anything that gives the feeling of a fresh start.  It helps me to let go of what was and move on!  

As I awoke on January 1, I had two portions of Scripture on my mind:

Hebrews 12 New International Version (NIV)

12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Philippians 3 New International Version (NIV)

12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

As I have read over these words in the past week, I recognize the message to my heart (and dare I say, the Body of Christ) this year: 

~throw off what is holding you back & messing you up
~don't allow yourself to grow weary
~be confident that the path has been laid out before you
~keep your eyes on Jesus, not circumstances or fears
~endure...Jesus did & has given you the power to also
~remember, one day, every hard moment will be worth it 
~take hold of what Jesus died to give you      

I  notice that these are all actions.  It's up to me.  It's up to you.   It's up to us.

To passionately pursue is to zealously, fervently, violently gain, attain, capture, and overtake that which you are trying to obtain!

Of course, this is not to allude to harming or wounding any person, but to know your purpose clearly and to be determined to see it fulfilled.  We hold many positions: mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, loved one, friend, business owner, employee, teacher, pastor, helper, leader, follower...

The days of passivity need to be our hearts, our heads, our bodies...our families, our churches, our communities, our country...our world.

For such a time as this, we have been equipped and reaction needs to be replaced by action and proaction!

GET UP AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE...because you can!