Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God Always Hears

My boys and I have been reading through Exodus this week.  I was thinking today about how God told Moses that He had heard the groaning and cries from the Israelites due to their slavery in Egypt.   

God made sure to let Moses know for certain He had indeed heard the hurts of their hearts.  

God could have easily made a move to deliver the Isrealites without sending Moses.  He could have stopped the slavery at any time.  He chose not to.

I felt led to point this out to my sons.  There will be many times in our lives when our hearts will be in pain...when we will want to be instantly delivered from our circumstances.  But, for reasons we may never know, God has plans we may not understand.  Worse yet, we may not agree with them at all!

The Bible tells us that the stories of the Old Covenant were written down for us to learn from them.  There are countless situations we can read about to show us that God doesn't always move when and in the way we want Him to or the way we think best.

But I find much comfort today from our Scripture reading.  We can rest in the peace that God most certainly hears and sees our plights.  He cares...about each of us, and even when we give up on Him...when we think He has forgotten us or allowed some calamity to come upon us, He sent us a Love Letter to reassure us that He is not surprised by anything, He has reasons for everything, and He loves us more than we can imagine.  He has plans He sets in motion for our deliverance.

God is never more concerned about our comfort than our character.  I can make a long list of things I have walked through that didn't feel good, things I wished at the time God would have snapped His finger and delivered me out of.  However, I can also look back now and thank Him for each and every one of those trials.  Yes, they were ferocious and scalding hot at some moments, but they have absolutely made me into the person I have become.  They have made me persevere and endure...made me compassionate and empathetic.

God never forsook me.  He never left me.  Sometimes He carried me.  Other times He just walked silently beside me.  But I knew His presence was always there, and today, I am reminded by His Word that He most assuredly always hears the cries of my heart!

I ache for the people who don't know Him like this...for those who believe He is anything but a loving Father.  I'm so thankful I have stuck with Him long enough to truly get to know Him!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful! thanks for the pick-me-up. work is extrememly stressful this week, and I find myself almost every 5 minutes that I am not alone. God is with me and understands my pain/frustration. thanks again for the reminder! love ya, Katie
